Fundraising ideas Jeans for Genes Day - fundraising ideas

Fundraising ideas

Denim bakes

Bake up a batch of blue cupcakes or biscuits, stir up some blue lemonade and sell your blue treats.

Double, triple, quadruple denim

Add a denim shirt, jacket, tie, hat, bag, hairband and shoes. The more denim the better!

Hold a denim fashion show

Encourage everyone to jazz up their jeans and strut their denim stuff, with prizes for the best effort.

Three legged denim race

Pairs of participants wear one pair of jeans between them. One gets the left leg, one gets the right. The first couple of the finishing line wins!

Decorate your denim

Jeans for Genes Day buttons, glitter, pom poms. The more overdone the better!

Make a clay double helix

Visit our arts and crafts web page to download your list of materials and instructions for making your very own clay double helix.

Healthy competition

You’re in luck as we have tons of ideas to pit you against your classmates! Try a games console tournament, a board or card games evening or a round of musical chairs. Other games include guess the weight of the cake, who’s the baby and through the keyhole. If you want something more active try a treasure hunt, Easter egg hunt, or scavenger hunt in teams around your school, charging to take part in all.

Hold a raffle  

Raffle hold a raffle or tombola with donated prizes in your office, charging for tickets? Or you could have a good old game of bingo (or even musical bingo, seeing who can identify all their songs first) charging everyone to take part.

Be sociable

Why not host a social event for families at your school? Try a summer fete with games, cakes, tombola and a raffle, charging for each.

Be persuasive

If you’ve got the powers of persuasion, why not ask your head teacher to wear jeans for the whole Jeans for Genes week – get the whole school to raise money through sponsorship!

Denim dance-a-thon

Are you a dancing queen? Then hold a sponsored dance-a-thon or zumbathon. Or you could host a school disco, charging an entry fee.

Customise your jeans

Got some old jeans? Bring them in and hold a jazz up your jeans workshop! Charge a small fee for the customisation pieces.

Denim jukebox

Why not set up a jukebox in your classroom – ask people to donate to pick a song and play it whilst you’re working – you could even ask pupils to select songs beforehand and create a playlist on your iPod.

Athletics day

For all the athletic types, why not set up an old school sports day? You could have a space hopper race, egg and spoon race, and of course a race in all your denim! Charge people to take part and have prizes for the winners.

Get sporty

Have you got the fitness bug? Try organising a sponsored run, walk, swim or cycle for your school with an event afterwards to celebrate your achievement! You could even do the whole event in denim!

Denim drama

Always wanted to be an actor or actress? Well now’s your chance! Put on a play in aid of Jeans for Genes Day, selling tickets and blue-themed refreshments in the interval.

Denim Footy

If you love football, try organising a penalty shoot-out or football tournament, charging players to participate.

Thrifty Gene

Are you a savvy shopper? Why not host a bring-and-buy sale, or car boot sale at your school, donating the money raised – you could come away with some beautiful bargains too!

Denim arts and Crafts

Love a bit of arts and crafts? Then have a go at making some fancy denim headbands, selling them at a school fete. Why not ask your pupils to bring in unwanted clothes and have a go at tie-dye! You could sell the stylish pieces.

Painting Gene

If you fancy yourself as bit of a painter, why not charge a small fee to paint the faces of all your pupils? Try tigers, butterflies, dogs or giraffes!

Get wordy

Host a spell-a-thon at your school. Pupils can ask for sponsorship for every word they get right, and don’t forget a prize for the winner!