Why your money matters
Jeans for Genes Day is all about raising money to help some of the most vulnerable children in the UK. Thanks to you the lives of some children with life-altering genetic disorders will be transformed. Here are the types of projects your money could fund.
- £10 will pay for 60 minutes of specialist telephone advice for parents caring for a child with severe neurological genetic conditions.
- £50 will pay for a mother to attend a support day, giving her the help she needs to care for an extremely rare and profoundly disabling genetic condition.
- £100 will help fund an educational booklet, helping teachers to maximise opportunities available to children with inherited learning disabilities.
- £350 funds a place for a weekend away for children who never meet others with their condition. These life-changing trips build self-esteem and awareness in young people affected by genetic disorders.
- £500 pays for a walking frame other equipment that gives much-needed independence to a child whose mobility is limited by their genetic disorder.
- £750 hires an arts company to bring the magical world of drama and music to a special school for children whose condition mean they could never visit a cinema or theatre.
- £1,000 will help fund a film for teenagers with a life limiting condition, helping them to come to terms with, and encouraging them to begin to take responsibility for, their condition.
- £1,300 will give a child who has lost the ability to speak access to a Tobii Eye Gaze machine, so that they can communicate with their eyes.
- £2,000 contributes towards a specialist nurse who knows everything about a genetic condition. The nurse helps the child during long hospital stays and families who cope at home.